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Baxter’s Brave New Ballroom World |
Meredith Baxter sips
a steaming Earl Grey at Governor/movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger’s
Schatzi on Main in Santa Monica. The three-time Emmy nominated
actress sighs. The leading lady of Family Ties and Family confesses, “It
is hugely brave for me to dance. But I’m trying to say yes
to things in my life like ballroom dancing. I’m taking chances.” The
actress declares, “I always wanted to dance but couldn’t
dance. I was far too self-conscious. And I’m an introvert.”
a child, Baxter witnessed cha-cha and other social dances in her
Pasadena childhood home. “For a short period, my first
stepfather and mother (actress and co-creator of One Day At
A Time, Whitney Blake) took lessons in our living room,” she
says. The television star rebuffs a suggestion of her parents’ influence.
But mention Fred Astaire
and Ginger Rogers. And a fervent “Oh yes!” follows. “Now, that was
an influence! Fred and Ginger! Fred and Cyd!” Enthusiastically
she continues, “And I loved the tap. I wanted
to be someone who could make those noises.”
In her twenties,
Baxter tried tap classes with her mother. Matter-of-factly she
says, “We never did anything together. But we did them.” The
actress adds, “It cemented my understanding that I had no
rhythm at all. I was the slowest tapper in the class!”
Television studios instead
of dance studios took more and more of Baxter’s time in the ‘70s
and ‘80s. She snagged the lead on TV series such as Bridget
Loves Bernie (1972-1973) and Family (1976-1980). Family won
her two Emmy nominations. (Outstanding Continuing Performance by
a Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 1977 and 1978.)
“I never
wanted to be an actress,” asserts Baxter. “But
I was making a life change (and needed an income.) So, I went into
the family business.”
Despite her lackluster
passion for the profession, she admits that acting in a 1978 made-for-TV “Little
Women was pretty fabulous.” Why? The cast and crew glittered
with Hollywood icons. Dorothy McGuire was Marmee. And Greer Garson
played Aunt March to Baxter’s Meg. (Of the memorable “Mrs.
Miniver” she says, “Greer Garson was great! She didn’t
take herself seriously.”)
“What I
liked best was working with Edith Head. She was just so cool,” says
the actress. (The Academy award-winning design diva altered Baxter’s
costume at the first peep of concern about the look of the “truncated
waist” of the Civil War period.) “They – costume
designers, directors - usually want to stay exactly correct. But
it was more important for her actors to be comfortable.”
In 1982, Baxter eased
effortlessly into the role of Elyse Keaton in Family Ties. (She
portrayed the liberal mother to Michael J. Fox’s conservative
son character until the series end in 1989.) By the last taping,
Baxter had plenty of practice playing Mom. Off the set, the actress
was tied to a family of her own. (Five children – including
a set of twins.)
With a chuckle, she recalls
taking her twins to Cotillion. “I
remember wanting to do what they were doing. I was married at the
time. He didn’t dance,” says Baxter.
The dance dream continued to elude the actress into the ‘90s.
But the memorable roles continued to roll in. The “incandescent
intensity” Baxter brought to the part of murderess Betty
Broderick brought her praises from People and her peers.
In 1992, she was nominated for another Emmy for Woman Scorned:
The Betty Broderick Story.
She is proudest, however, of television projects probing
into social issues and subjects such as cancer (My Breast -
1994) and bulimia (Kate’s Secret - 1986.) Baxter
co-produced and starred in My Breast. (Ironically,
in 1999, the star was diagnosed with breast cancer. Did surviving
cancer create any epiphanies? “No. I was too distracted
at the time,” she quips.)
Her starring
role in Katie’s Secret’s
was particularly satisfying. The television program explored
the topic of eating disorders. It made Baxter approachable to
many who confided that her portrayal of Kate “brought them
relief.” The star’s eyes glisten for a second. She
states, “I was pleased to do something that was of service
to people.”
are the star’s tricks to keeping a slim figure? “The
fear diet!” declares Baxter. She nods when it is suggested
that most American women’s awareness of calories keeps them
from consuming all they desire.
Asked if her vegetarian
lifestyle buoys her energy, Baxter emphatically answers, “Not
an iota! I still eat crap – without meat.”
grimaces when questioned about Juliano’s RAW, an all-natural
nouvelle cuisine eatery in Santa Monica. (The restaurant is co-owned
by Kristi Franks from Trump’s The Apprentice.) The mecca of raw food of the rich and fashionable
apparently is not Baxter’s cup of tea. The star complains, “There
is no tea! There’s nothing hot on the menu.”
her pearly whites for paparazzi at Zagat picks is clearly not on
Baxter’s to-do list today. Squeezing
in private and group dance lessons and practice between taping
Hallmark specials and guest spots on sitcoms like Half and Half take
precedence. She is also diligently rehearsing an exhibition American
Tango routine with dance partner, Michael Caan.
Celebrated dancing gal
pal, Sarah La Saulle’s encouragement (See Dancing USA May/June 2003 “At the Heart of Healing
and DanceSport: Sarah La Saulle Ph.D.”), led to Baxter’s
daring step across the LA Dance Experience Studio threshold. She
pushed aside her past considerations and said yes!
to a man’s lead a year and a half ago, however, was a challenge.
With a wry smile Baxter recalls, “Russell (Adcock - the owner
of LA Dance Experience) would say, ‘I tell you when
to go.’” She admits, “That was hard for me for
a while. I had to bite my tongue.”
However, after a handful
of private and group classes, the actress learned to appreciate
the art of lead-follow. And she appreciates a flawless leader like
Adcock on the dance floor. “I
love the clarity and minimal effort Russell takes to show me where
to move,” says Baxter. “He’s graceful. Russell
is very sure and confident.”
And as a teacher? “Russell
doesn’t paint with a broad stroke and leave it there. He’ll
give you the broad stroke. Then, he’ll break it down to give
you the smaller particulars to make the form just right,” she
what forms most tickle Baxter’s ballroom fancy? “The
smooth dances. I love a foxtrot. I love a waltz,” she says. “Oh!
The grace of it. And I love the continuity style.“
she elaborates, “The other night I was dancing with Michael
(Caan)…Or was it Jeffrey Barak? (Gold level LA Dance
Experience students.) Anyway, we were doing a waltz. Nora Jones’ Come
Away with Me was playing. I thought, “I’m in heaven.”
Looks like bravely saying “yes” to
ballroom paid off for Meredith Baxter.
Kim Knode © May 2, 2004 |